Check offers / Holz- und Baubedarf

Holz- und Baubedarf ( Zöld Ász Szociális Szövetkezet )

Country of origin: Hungary

Represented company

Zöld Ász Szociális Szövetkezet

Olah Janos

Homokbánya u. 10.

7693 Pécs

Offer created by

Commercial Section / Hungarian Embassy

Mark Mautner

Bankgasse 4-6

1010 Wien

Industry sector

Wood, timber and construction material

Content of offer

The Zold Asz Szocialis Szovetkezet (Zold Asz Social Coop.), provides work and livelihood for slightly handicapped people.

As their main activity, they produce pallets and timber, sell these goods and use the income to make the best circumstances for them.


-EUR pallets

-Pallets manufactured according to individual needs

-hardwood lumber

Regions of interest


Range of customers

Handwork, Crafts