Check offers / Export of explosionproof LED luminaires (A TEX)

Export of explosionproof LED luminaires (A TEX) ( Export of explosionproff LED luminaires (A TEX) )

Country of origin: Hungary

Represented company

Kermann Technical Developer Co. Ltd.

Kristof Jarfas

Röppentyő u. 48.

H-1139 Budapest

Offer created by

Commercial Section / Hungarian Embassy

Mark Mautner

Bankgasse 4-6

1010 Wien

Industry sector

Machinery, industrial equipment

Content of offer

We are searching international sales manager, to help us to find and contact distributors, main distributors in explosion-proof / hazardous area industrial market. We are a designers and manufacturers of ATEX certified luminaires, based in Hungary, Budapest.

Regions of interest

A TEX is valid in the geographic region of Europe

Range of customers
