Angebote ansehen / Synermont Zrt. Contract Manufacturing Hungary

Synermont Zrt. Contract Manufacturing Hungary ( Synermont Zrt. )

Herkunftsland: Ungarn

Repräsentierte Firma

Synermont Zrt.


Zoltán utca 6.

1054 Budapest

Sollten Sie Interesse an diesem Angebot haben, verwenden Sie bitte diese Informationen bei der Kontaktaufnahme:

Synermont Zrt.
H-1054 Budapest, Zoltán utca 6. 1/7.
Company registration number: 01-10-141380
CEO: Lászlóné Frei
VAT ID: 29273126-2-41

Angebot erstellt von

Commercial Section / Hungarian Embassy

Mark Mautner

Bankgasse 4-6

1010 Wien


Fahrzeuge und Zubehör
Landmaschinen, Landtechnik
Baumaschinen, Baugeräte
Eisen- und Metallwaren

Angaben zum Vertretungsprogramm

Synermont offers complete solutions for economically and strategically effective manufacturing outsourcing.The concept developed by our company offers our partners solutions to meet the challenges they are facing in their production. In an extended workbench, some production stages or even the whole manufacturing process can be outsourced.

 As an assembly partner for contract manufacturing, Synermont focuses on production planning and control, as well on outstanding manufacturing quality and efficiency.

 Our goal is to utilize existing synergies and our expertise to develop a cost effective, professional concept with added value to increase our partner’s production efficiency.



