Check offers / Packaging Material CSOM-2001

Packaging Material CSOM-2001 ( Packaging Material - )

Country of origin: Austria

Represented company

CSOM-2001 GmbH

Ignác Boldizsár Bánkuti

Zádor u. 16.

1181 Budapest

Offer created by

Commercial Section / Hungarian Embassy

Mark Mautner

Bankgasse 4-6

1010 Wien

Industry sector

Packaging materials

Content of offer

CSOM-2001 Ltd. is a leading player in Hungary’s packaging industry, offering a comprehensive range of products and services. Our mission is to provide our customers with the widest selection, innovative solutions, and reliable products that meet both business needs and environmental sustainability expectations.

Our product portfolio includes:

  • Gastronomy packaging materials : The largest selection and inventory in Hungary, including 100% eco-friendly solutions.
  • Custom and private-label products : Printed packaging solutions for major chains such as Coop, CBA, and Metro.
  • Household packaging materials and non-food products : Ranked among the top 15 wholesalers in Hungary in this category.
  • Recyclable plastic and paper-based packaging materials , designed to reduce environmental impact.

Regions of interest

Lower Austria
Upper Austria

Range of customers
