Check offers / Manufacturing company - Automotive components

Manufacturing company - Automotive components ( Automotive components )

Country of origin: Romania

Represented company

Electroprecizia Automotive Equipment SRL

Dan Mazareanu

18 Parcului Street Sacele

505600 Brasov

Offer created by

Embassy of Romania - Commercial Section

Adi-Cristina Mitea

Prinz Eugen Strasse 60

1040 Wien

Industry sector

Vehicles and accessories

Content of offer

Electroprecizia Automotive Equipment SRL is able to assure the following process procedures:

- CNC and conventional turning;

- stamping;

- drawing;

- chemical & electrochemical coating.

The manufacturing process is focused on:

- rotors;

- stators;

- flexible shafts;

- bendix gears;

- solenoids;

- repair of 12V and 24V alternators having the nominal current up to 85A with or without incorporated voltage regulator;

- 12V and 24V starters with outputs between 0.6kW and 9 kW;

- different types of relays.

We can provide the following products and/or collaboration for the manufacturing of products:

- automotive electrical equipment for board;

- electrical motors;

- castings - molded & pressured components.

More info

Production in commision.

Export and opening up of new markets.

Regions of interest

german-speaking countries

Range of customers
